Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thoughtful Thursdays...

Well I thought that I would revisit this type of post since I have neglected to do so. Ironically, this Thursday is New Year's Eve, so of course this, of all days, is a great day to reflect on the past, present and get excited about the future. I have already posted my anticipations on this New Year, so I won't be repetitive. I will however share a couple of quotes that I thought were insightful concerning the New Year. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of the holidays, but the challenge that I wanted to try and work towards was that instead of rushing through this time, I really want to learn to savor each moment I have, in whatever I am doing with whomever I am doing it with; I just want to be able to enjoy and soak up every moment so I truly enjoy this life and the people and moments that make it up. (Here I go on a tangent, but just bear with me.) For some reason, especially during holidays, I become more aware of time. I guess what I mean is that the reality of time hits me every year like a brick wall, and as I have no problem welcoming change, I LOVE to revisit stories of past moments in my childhood and adolescence and laugh until I cry, however I do have some difficulty dealing with time changing things (people, places, etc). So during these times, I sometimes get worried about trivial little things like what will happen when things happen. I say all of this to say, I feel like during these times, 2 verses that I love and fear, (in a sense) come to mind. The first is Matthew 6: 25-34 where Jesus is addressing the fact that we should not be worried about anything whatsoever because He can take care of those worries as long as we have faith in Him and seek His kingdom and righteousness. Part of my New Year list is to have more faith and I know that God can take care of it, period, no matter what, no if ands or buts, the matter is me. Another verse that I think about in relation to that verse is in Joshua chapter 1 (it is actually repeated so this isn't just one verse) where God is speaking to Joshua and telling him to "Be strong and courageous", "Be strong and courageous", "the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go". I really try to attach myself to these verses because of my worries and fears because I know that God is with me and hasn't given me this spirit of fear. So, during these times, where life happens and time seems to speed past me, I want to stop, smell the roses and be reminded that God holds me in His magnificent hands and provides the refuge, encouragement and confidence I need to appreciate and enjoy this life.

Here are those New Year quotes that I thought were very "thoughtful":
Another fresh new year is here...
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest...
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!
-William Arthur Ward

Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come and to the memories that we hold." -Author Unknown

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year thoughts...

On the trip home to Wilmington, Marcus and I got to talking about 2010. From there, we got into a conversation about making resolutions, what we think about what we hope for the new year, and a bunch of other things that we want from 2010. Of course on the top of our list was losing weight (which is usually at the top of the list every year and the last thing we think about during the year! :)), but our conversation just had me thinking about new years in general. Isn't it so funny how around this time of year, as the old year is closing and the new year is approaching, that we (or at least me) start to get excited, nervous, and hopeful for the possibilities of the new coming year. I mean, it's just another year right? I know that New Year's is the transition from the old to the new, letting the past be the past and moving forward but I don't know what it is about this year, I am just very excited. I have a lot of expectations for this year, but I know that those expectations can only happen if I follow through with them. As Marcus and I were talking about our dreams for 2010, I just started making my own list of 2010 musts. Now, I am not saying these are my New Year's resolutions for 2010, however I am making a list for me to remember for this year that I would like to accomplish and I figure that blogging my list would help me to better remember! :) So here, so far, are my hopes and dreams for 2010....

-Lose weight (I'm telling you, this is the battle of the year, every year!:))
-Become a casual runner (like how I used the word casual ;))
-Start thinking about having a family (Don't worry, this is not just me, it's also on Marcus's list :))
-Try to be more like a Proverbs 31 woman
-Make and take more time for my family
-Move into a new house
-Make and take more time for my friends
-Do something crazy and not like me at all
-Figure out my passion and do something about it
-Pray more and have more faith
-Be the support and encouragement my husband needs to accomplish his goals and dreams

(I'm sure there will be more, but here's my list thus far.) Happy New Year!